Welcome to the Home Page of
The Goshin Dai Ryu Organization

Goshin Dai Ryu Fall Clinic 2001

The Goshin Dai Ryu was founded on September 23, 1997, for the purpose of spreading the Japanese Martial Arts as taught by Grandmaster Gerard Durant. Master Durant passed away in 1991, but his spirit survives in the arts he passed down. Thus the Goshin Dai Ryu was developed to foster the arts he taught: Goshin Jutsu Karate, Aiki Jutsu, Kobudo and Ju Jutsu.

If you are involved in a different Martial Art not listed above you can still be a part of this organization. For details, see the Goshin Dai Ryu Martial Arts Organization page.

For current information, go to www.theusdf.com, or the Goshin Martial Arts Organization, click here to contact us.

Site Design by Cassidy Web Creations
Last Updated August 11, 2011